The science behind VIBRASENSE


How SCITECH Vibrasense works

The SCITECH -VIBRASENSE is a cutting-edge technology fishing instrument, that incorporates a multifaceted arsenal of fish attracting attributes including vibrations, acoustic & visual elements, all of which provides an irresistible attraction to fish that would otherwise have been unattainable with conventional bait angling, increasing the odds for angling success, exponentially. It has been proven so effective, that after you have personally used it & experienced its remarkable abilities, you simply never go fishing again without it; it’s that good!

The Science Behind VIBRASENSE

When fish are feeding, they count on a combination of their senses of smell, sight, hearing & vibrations, emitted from their prey to locate their quarry. Unfortunately with dead bait fishing, a very limited amount of these senses are used in order to attract fish, SCITECH on the other hand, has mastered the art of attracting fish through its ground-breaking innovation called VIBRASENSE.

Hearing is achieved through what is known as otoliths situated behind the brain, on either side of the head, which are essentially a fishes inner ears, these very sensitive organs, detect what is known as ‘particle motion’ caused through underwater acoustics.

Vibrations are captured by the fish through the otoliths as well as the mechanosensory lateral-line system. This sensory system consists of up to several thousand neuromasts or sensory organs which are distributed throughout the entire body of the animal that is used to detect the miniscule vibrations emitted by its prey when hunting. These are distinguished in two separate categories namely the ‘superficial neuromast’ highlighted in blue in diagram below, & the ‘canal neuromast’ highlighted in red in the diagram below. These sensory organs play a vital role in fish locating their prey, especially in low visibility conditions where they are used optimally.. 


Dead Bait vs Scitech

In the case of angling with ‘fresh bait’ or ‘dead bait’; the effective ‘bait attraction radius’ (highlighted in orange in image below) of the inanimate bait is very limited, counting only on sight & smell which are both minimal, & the ‘identification radius’ (highlighted in red) of the fish is also very minimal, making the probability of the fish locating the bait very small, unless it passes by in very close proximity within the ‘identification radius’ & the ‘bait attraction radius’ literally to the point of stumbling across the bait. This means that many prospective ‘fish catches’ simply pass by an anglers bait leaving the angler with very low odds in successful catches.

Through over a decade of research & development, SCITECH has developed the most advanced & effective angling instrument namely the VIBRASENSE; which is proven to be extraordinarily successful in attracting fish, through employing a combination of sight, sound & vibrations, in an amplified & strategically deployed manner, creating an ‘attractive synergy’ that is simply irresistible to fish. The VIBRASENSE functions much like an underwater ‘dinner bell’ that attracts the attention of fish that would usually pass by the bait increasing the odds for success dramatically, & also incites the fish to a feeding frenzy under the correct conditions.

Vibration Attraction

The VIBRASENSE incorporates the use of specialized high powered miniature vibration motors controlled by pre-programmed microchips, which provide vibration pulses with varying intervals, strengths & frequencies, all working together to create the perfect ‘fatal attraction’ for various fish species.

Hearing Attraction

Each VIBRASENSE has a built-in rattle, consisting of two stainless steel metal balls inside the lid, which clash together simultaneously with the vibrations, causing a subtle but effective acoustic waves, that is very enticing to nearby fish.

Sight Attraction

High powered miniature light emitting diodes ‘LED’s’ provide light pulses that mimics a bait fishes shimmering scales glistening in sunlight, & serves as a powerful contribution to the multi-faceted fish attracting arsenal employed by the VIBRASENSE.

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